From: ( Subject: Blaga Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian Date: 1995-03-24 09:11:16 PST In a recent posting Mr. Dan Cazacu wrote: "1) You refer to Blaga as an extreme nationalist romanian. My friend, Blaga is one of Romania's greatest poets and philosophers, but he is not even close of being an extreme nationalist." Blaga was politically extremely close to the "cuzist" party, which was a fascist, extreme nationalist and antisemitic party, and the party in power of the last government under the 1923 Constitution, the short lived but infamous Goga-Cuza government. The communists treated him somehow kinder because he was a candidate for the Nobel prize for his poetry.( With the revival of nationalism under communism, his political sins looked less serious and he could be appreciated for his litterary works. Ditto for Goga and Bratescu-Voinesti ) ** S. ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to From: Dan Cazacu ( Subject: Re: Blaga Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian Date: 1995-03-24 14:23:59 PST wrote > Blaga was politically extremely close to the "cuzist" party, which > was a fascist, extreme nationalist and antisemitic party, and the party in > power of the last government under the 1923 Constitution, the short lived but > infamous Goga-Cuza government. The communists treated him somehow kinder > because he was a candidate for the Nobel prize for his poetry.( With the > revival of nationalism under communism, his political sins looked less > serious and he could be appreciated for his litterary works. Ditto for Goga > and Bratescu-Voinesti ) > > > ** S. ** > Would you be so kind to explain what do you mean by "politically extremely close"? Was he a member/leader of that party? Did he have some party of his own that was related to that one? Did he wrote fascist/antisemitic propaganda? I believe the common answer to the above three questions is no. But, I might be wrong, so please, dear S, illuminate me. Regards, Dan P.s. Maybe you'll consider answering my questions about Mrs.Lupescu some time. From: Rosca Ioan (roscai@ERE.UMontreal.CA) Subject: Re: Blaga Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian Date: 1995-03-24 22:45:58 PST In article <> writes: > In a recent posting Mr. Dan Cazacu wrote: > >"1) You refer to Blaga as an extreme nationalist romanian. My friend, >Blaga is one of Romania's greatest poets and philosophers, but he is >not even close of being an extreme nationalist." > > > Blaga was politically extremely close to the "cuzist" party, which >was a fascist, extreme nationalist and antisemitic party, and the party in >power of the last government under the 1923 Constitution, the short lived but >infamous Goga-Cuza government. The communists treated him somehow kinder >because he was a candidate for the Nobel prize for his poetry.( With the >revival of nationalism under communism, his political sins looked less >serious and he could be appreciated for his litterary works. Ditto for Goga >and Bratescu-Voinesti ) > > > ** S. ** Esti consecvent de obraznic domnule "S". Rinesti prin istoria si cultura romana cu ochi si interese straine ei. Si strimbi prea des din nas ca sa nu devii jignitor. Manierele nu-ti scuza aluziile otravite. Detallile nu-ti confera veridicitate. Nu stiu exact ce cauti , dar amestecul de tehnicitate si siretenie face un cocteil gretos si iritant. E timpul sa semnezi ... ! Ioan Rosca